Fāze 1

Kā to darīt?

Jums vajadzētu sadalīt savus centienus 3 pamatposmos.

Katrā posmā Jūs saņemsiet svarīgus norādījumus un profesionālu koučingu, kas kļūs par Jūsu panākumu atslēgu. Tāpēc ir svarīgi izprast un rūpīgi apgūt katru posmu pilnībā.

  • reģistrācija un pirmais pasūtījums
  • drukāto materiālu iegāde
  • pamatterminoloģijas apguve
  • uzņēmuma semināri

When registering, we recommend using the ID of an already registered member. This member should also be your advisor and mentor in the ESSENS world. If you do not have such a member one will be assigned to you during the following month. This person will be available to you at any time, if you need it. In case you do not make any point order within 1 month of your registration, this registration will expire.

First order

The first order is very important. We have an attractive registration discount offer for new members. These discounts are activated for a whole month from the first day of registration and you can return to them repeatedly within a given time frame. When ordering over 50 points, you are entitled, on top of other benefits, to Cashback, i.e. money back, which we will pay you to your E-wallet in the following month. Free delivery option is available from the first order upon fulfilment of the point turnover.

Printed materials

A clear display of product lines including basic relevant information can be found in our catalogues, represented as Beauty, Health and Home. There are two special editions – Decorative cosmetics and Keto catalogues. You can also browse through our catalogues on our websites. Another useful guide is the Pricelist with a summary of the catalogue and member prices as well as cashback.

Get to know and learn basic terminology

Do you know what MLM, Cashback or E-wallet are? Who is the Sponsor, the Leader and what is the web tab “My Office” for? Contact your Sponsor to explain everything to you, or feel free to contact your active Upline or the ESSENS branch directly. We are always here for you. A good understanding of the MLM terminology will make your business more understandable and you will be more successful.

Company seminars

Actively attend company seminars, follow company webinars and events that will always inspire you, motivate and bring benefits. Among those key seminars, where no active ESSENS Club member should be missing, is the annual ESSENS Kick OFF event held at the beginning of each year.


Follow the regular monthly ESSENS News on the essenstv.com, where you log in with the same credentials as for the ESSENS website. You will also get access to many videos, interviews and product videos, success Stories and memories from company events. And for those who are really serious about ESSENS, they can visit the section with exclusive content.


Šajā vietnē tiek izmantotas sīkdatnes, kas nodrošina nevainojamu lietotāja pieredzi un atvieglo lapu pārlūkošanu.

Par sīkdatnēm
Apstiprināt visu

Nepieciešamās sīkdatnes

Nepieciešamās sīkdatnes nodrošina tīmekļa vietnes pamatfunkcijas, piemēram, navigāciju un piekļuvi drošām vietnes sadaļām. Bez šīm sīkdatnēm vietnes nevar pareizi darboties.

Statistikas sīkdatnes

Statistikas sīkdatnes apkopo informāciju par vietnes apmeklējumu, kas palīdz operatoram izprast apmeklētāju uzvedību.

Mārketinga sīkdatnes

Mārketinga sīkdatnes novēro lietotāju aktivitāti vietnēs. To mērķis ir rādīt personalizētas,apmeklētājam atbilstošas un interesantas reklāmas. Mārketinga sīkdatnes var izmantot, lai noteiktu mārketinga kampaņu efektivitāti trešās puses mājaslapās.

Apstiprināt izvēli